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‘Homesickness’ series

What would you miss the most when you’d have to suddenly leave your home? Or better put, if you were forced to leave it? And what do you take with you? That’s what we asked refugees from Syria and Iraq in Jordan for ZOA. There was no single pleasant answer. Among other people, we spoke to Anna, who lost her daughter during a bombing raid. When she fled to Jordan a few weeks after those dramatic events, she took two red shoes from her daughter with her. Those red shoes became very important for Anna.

The “Homesickness” series’ aim was to bring the life stories of refugees closer to the people. The stories, photographs, and footage, taken for the “Homesickness” series were used by ZOA during their Christmas campaign. We created a trailer for this campaign.

For more projects, head back to our portfolio.

  • Client:ZOA
  • Tags:photography, agency, creative
  • Project Type:Photos, stories, film

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